I’m halfway there | Watching “Thank You Goodnight” part I (spoiler warning)

Did I have time to watch this highly anticipated Bon Jovi documentary series today April 26 in the year of our Lord 2024?
Of course I didn’t!

I’m guessing there are few people who have five hours to kill on a Friday (or on a weekend for that matter) but these are traditionally my busiest weeks of the year, and with the peak this weekend, and this time the stakes are even higher, because they are more personal.

So when well into our Central European AM, I saw the documentary had finally been uploaded to Disney+, after what had felt like way too many refreshings of the tab, for a documentary that was going to be released ON THE 26th, I went for it.

Maybe if I had seen it first thing in the morning, as I expected it to, I would still have had enough resistance to not click.
But by 9.30 AM my patience and ability to make good decisions has been SHRED to pieces from the waiting!
From the confusion!

I had assumed that one minute after the clock strikes twelve at a small island in the pacific I expect this series would be rolled out across the globe.
I did not expect to get online and have to WAIT!

I’m not a Disney + user, or at least I wasn’t until this week, so I have no experience with the time when a show premieres.
And even if I had had Disney+ over the years, chances would have been slim at best, that another documentary had been so compelling to me, I would have looked for it, while still having breakfast.

Anyway, when then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere because I had already made my peace with the show probably not airing until 8PM at night (noon on the East Coast of the USA), the search “Bon Jovi” on Disney+ DID come up with a hit, in the form of this series?
Oh, I clicked it with a vengeance!
I did not want to wait even a second longer!

Even though of course I told myself I would watch juuuuust a little bit!
Like when you ve quit smoking or drinking and you think:

“One sip won’t hurt,” but you know you’re gonna lose yourself.

So of course I lost myself.

And spent all the hours which I should have spent on filming two Dutch YouTube videos (I already filmed three international ones, which somehow seem to come easier) watching the docu series.
Nothing got done and I binged.

And then I had appointments and at night, instead of using the final hours of light to film those videos after all;
Ooh, I just binged some more!

So by now I am over halfway there, deep into episode three out of four, and we’re at Crush (2000).
The 80s and 90s are done, and this is me sharing my first thoughts.

The documentary makes the bold choice to weave together two story lines;
The chronological(-ish) history of the band, together with the voice struggles, vocal chord surgery and the recovery process of Jon Bon Jovi, from 2022 and up.
And then there are band members and others involved over the span of four decades, filmed in current day, commenting and providing context to the chronological story line.

We don’t see someone entering the story, unless the movie has reached the point where they are introduced in the story.
This is why you see David Bryan the keyboard player and Jon Bon Jovi opening the first episode, because they already knew each other from when they are teens, but you don’t see drummer Tico Torres until he joins the band.
And you don’t see Jon Bon Jovi’s wife Dorothea until the story hits 1989 and they get married, even though at that point she has been in his life for about 10 years.

As a relatively uninformed fan, I really like finally seeing all the people involved with the band. We all know the names, but now we can hear them bring color to the story.
I was in particular struck by Desmond Child, who for some reason I always imagined as someone very loud and wild, and who turns out to be a soft-spoken, sophisticated and eloquent man.
I’m so star struck I would probably watch a four part documentary of Desmond Child speaking about Bon Jovi.

I just tried to get back to the episodes, but my Disney+ seems consistently jammed or messed up.
Is it possible that Thank You Goodnight has had so many people subscribing and watching, that we actually blew it up?!

I can’t fact check things, even if I wanted to.

The documentary leans heavily on Jon Bon Jovi’s collection of memorabilia, and the documentary shows him turning to curating it himself in the weeks he’s not allowed to sing because his vocal chords need to heal.
In the basement, sporting a black t shirt, a grey beard, and with a hoarse voice, he shows us how he finds comfort in doing this slow, labor intense task of sorting through all the old cassettes.
He lets us listen to Cadillac man.
A song which was until today, only known to the die-hardest of fans. It was played live once, Osaka 1991. and that recording made it to YouTube, it even comes with video.
The recording Jon has, is a different one, but he is genuinely pleased hearing it, and you see him experiencing the satisfaction that this foreign work of curating the possessions in his basement his own legacy (a task that has been outsourced for 18 months, by the time he gets his teeth in it), has brought up.

Jon’s keen sense of legacy and having held on to historic items, as well as the archiving process that was started in tandem with the movie, really solidify the legacy in my opinion.
You can see a selection of finds, items on the website Backstage With Bon Jovi

It is very late, and I have to wrap this up, this first impression of the documentary.

I want to conclude it with a Dutch reference: Footage from the Dutch show Countdown with Adam Curry from 1986, is shown.
The subtitles is even still on it, it must have been straight from YouTube.
The two scenes are from the same visit to Countdown, 8 December 1986, but they were aired differently;
One as a “mini-special” where the band behaved as if they had come back to the studio, to participate.
This is the second clip where Adam Curry asks David Bryan “how would you describe your music”?
And David says “good”.

You can watch the video of the mini-special here- the date in the title is NOT correct, it is 1986, not 1988.

And the first Countdown clip in de documentary, where Jon Bon Jovi is standing next to a huge Adam Curry, is from the regular Countdown broadcast.
This video unfortunately lost its audio, probably due to copyright claims, but you can see the video here.

It wasn’t until we got to 1989 in the docu series, that I understood why they had chosen the Adam Curry footage to feature 1986;
Because he was the Headbangers Ball reporter on the plane that carried Bon Jovi and four other rock acts to Moscow in 1989!
So I looked that up for you as well, and here it is:
Bon Jovi Flying to Moscow Aug 1989

That was it, it’s late here and I feel as tired as Jon Bon Jovi on a plane to Moscow in 1989.
So I don’t have something funny, dramatic or compelling to end it with.

Oh. Wait!

Thank you. Goodnight.

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Share Your Work, is a new daily series on social media with what I wrote, posted, encountered or did. You can follow it on
Rock Star Writer on Facebook
Today’s episode was this longer stand-alone post.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my businesses since 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and Rock Star Yoga
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

Unlock those vaults and create the legacy | 2020 10 28 | A 2020 bounced email to Team JBJ

The past 18 months or so, Bon Jovi has been hosting a radio channel Sirius FM, sharing their concert recordings which up until then were only available in bootleg format.

And earlier this year 2024, the band opened their digital museum experience,  Backstage with Bon Jovi, showcasing their legacy.

Because I remembered sending them an email years ago, suggesting exactly these two things, I finally decided to unlock my own archives, and have a peek.
Was I the one bringing them to this idea?

Turns out, Yes; I did send them a letter.
But it bounced in a weird and peculiar fashion…. I had never seen anything like it.
I don’t know enough about software to understand if that means it is excluded they read it.

But I assume it did.

There is no retry sending it, probably because I vividly remember thinking;

“Well I did my job of trying to tell them.
God, you figure it out because this is clearly not my task to do!” 

And God did.

But on this Wednesday in April, I just couldn’t resist sharing what I found in my Sent Emails box.
The letter 
that was never read by any human soul.
But maybe, someone upstairs, was listening.
Or chuckling.

Wednesday 28 October 2020
11:51 AM

suggestions w regard to your business model (you’re leaving money on the table and making it hard)


Hi Team JBJ! 

I m really excited for you guys* , but as a fan from Europe I really have some issues that you may want to address,
if you are considering tailoring the JBJ experience to a global audience.

And I also have a suggestion to a business model that you may not have thought of,
that is way less hassle and more sustainable than the one you have now.

First of all, customs fees are NASTY.
You may want to consider offering “International Gold Pack” or “International Membership” without physical products being sent through mail.
Or, alternatively, put up BIG SIGNS that you will be billed by customs, for VAT I think it is officially.
For anything over 20 euros but that’s including postage, so that’s easily “scored”.

Secondly, I received an email yesterday, that my copy of 2020 cd had shipped.
That’s 26 days after the promised date without any apology, or explanation why it had taken so long.
And after mailing customer service, and receiving a “No worries mate, we’ll consider you’re inquiry handled now. Unless you say it’s not handled, then fill out this form with a thousand blancs.” reply.

Sending physical products out globally is a pain in the ass;
But if you do it, you gotta come up with better customer service than standard replies to very valid inquiries why a cd which was supposed to ship on October 2nd, apparently didn’t.

And now the business model:
There are recordings of 30+ years of concerts, which the fans would love to have access to.
Many bootlegs have actually been remastered by fans already, and can be harvested straight from YouTube.
There are fans working on remastering recordings, who you could sign up as an employee,
who would fill your database with the FULL legacy of Bon Jovi, in absolute no time.

You could go for the obvious, and create an on-“site” (behind login) community around the audios,
But you could also offer/ unlock tours, and sell them one by one.
In that case you go to your dashboard and see the tours you purchased,
and of course also, winking at you with special offers, gottahave copywriting and an extra kiss if you decide NOW –
seeing the other tours available for purchase.
You could then for example use the Facebook page to let fans discuss them.
For example:
“We just unlocked the Asian leg of our 1995 CrossRoad tour! Were you there? 
Did you see? 
First 24 hours available for $10.” 

Us fans are so grateful for Bon Jovi still being there, there’s really no expressing our gratitude.
So with that being said, I do feel bad for being a bit critical for responding to your new memberships program.

But we’re all worried that the The Legacy, all those tapes from all those decades, will be lost or not properly looked after.
When NOW is the time to get them out and sign up those fans worldwide who are so familiar with your work,
and could help you out sorting it out and monetizing the s*** out of it –
in a heartbeat.

Curating and safeguarding the Bon Jovi legacy, is your work. It is your responsibility.
How do they call it in the bible?
Being a good steward of the work of the Lord.

And with everybody still alive and kicking, and systems and organizations in place,
I think it is time to unlock those vaults, and create The Legacy.

Warm regards,

Suzanne Beenackers
Nijmegen, Netherlands

* the letter was written as a reply to the (re-)launch of the JBJ experience, hence the reference to me being happy for them



That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

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voor Nederland 🇳🇱 Tikkie van de week


my businesses since 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and Rock Star Yoga
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

A Sexual Awakening | Let it Rock by Bon Jovi (Slippery album, 1986) | blog post { pre-work for YouTube video }

video: One of the last performances of Let it Rock. The song would disappear from the setlist after the New Jersey Syndicate Tour.

I create
“Life lessons in Bon Jovi songs” videos for YouTube.
This blogpost is the pre-work.

“Let It Rock” is the first song on Bon Jovi’s sales-through-the-roof, mega-successful album Slippery When Wet.

The song was played live both on the Slippery When Wet Tour (1986-1987) as well as its successor the New Jersey Syndicate Tour (1988-1990).
Bar a few collector-worthy vinyls that showed up on the Google search, it was never a single a
nd the song wasn’t played anymore after these tours either, with the exception of an occasional appearance the 2010 Circle Tour.

Probably fueled by its rarity, the song has become a fan-favorite, and I would say it is the unexpected gem, the secret weapon, that solidified the album.
“Let it Rock”, although never revealed to the broader public, was the proverbial icing on the rock n’ roll cake, that made the album Slippery When Wet work, in particular because of its intro:
An originally unnamed instrumental composition on keyboard (it’s not even in the official sheet music book!) that became known in the internet era as “Pink Flamingos”.

But in the 80s it was simply the first minute of side A of the album.
The first unforgettable, 57 seconds, your first impression of the album.
And we ALL know, how important those are!

Let It Rock was also the song which on the Slippery Tour had the questionable honor of having its hallmark intro clipped, and being shamelessly pasted in front of the performance of the B-side opener of the album, Raise Your Hands!
And not just 57 seconds because Pink Flamingos was turned into keyboard  player and composer David Bryan’s time to shine on the stage, as he took the familiar opening tunes of the Slippery album to a whole new level for the live audience.

An audience which, I can only imagine, must have been slightly disappointed when it was then treated to Raise Your Hands, and not Let It Rock!
Usually (I am not that big of a connaisseur to have numbers or percentages) Let It Rock would get played, later in those shows. But without its characteristic intro.

So it is those first 57 seconds of the album, the part that would later be known as “Pink Flamingos” that actually make the song, and therefor the album, work.
I would go as far as to say that although the album sales were obviously driven by their hit singles, You Give Love a Bad Name, Livin’ On A Prayer and Wanted Dead or Alive;
It was in fact the David Bryan’s composition that made the album itself, stand out.
That made it more than a collection of hits and that push it right out of the gateway, from good to provocative. Unforgettable. Epic.

After 57 seconds, the song breaks into what is obviously the “real” intro; A series of  whoo hoo hooos, moving up, and then another moving down the ladder, effectively supported by a heavy, slow pulsing push, of guitar-driven rock!

And then?
“Aaahhh” (01:17)
In a moment of silence we hear an erotic, close to grunting, sigh!

Jon Bon Jovi’s first individual contribution to the Slippery When Wet album was, in my opinion, a faux orgasm.
A feature that, perhaps understandably, would never be repeated live.

Now as we have all been professionally warmed up, the actual, actual, Let It Rock begins.
And with every beat, it manages to hammer you deeper into your desires, your power, your darkness, your strength!
Its pace slightly slower than you would like, or would expect, keeping you on the edge, yearning for more.

My own experience with Let It Rock is a very personal one, as I credit this song for my early sexual awakening.
I mean I was, sexually awakened from as long as I can remember. Details which I will omit here, because they’re probably too much information.
Yet my early teens had been a time when I was recalibrating.

I had had my first idol, a Dutch teen idol only a very few years older than me, so it was nothing radical or out of the ordinary.
But although I was still collecting his articles and pictures, the intensity of idolization had lessened, and I was on the lookout for something else.
Or to be more exact;
Someone else.

So when You Give Love A Bad Name, and Livin’ on a Prayer dropped, in the final five months of 1986, I was open for business.
But I definitely took my time, before I made my choice.

The most likely time of me getting the cassette of Slippery When Wet would have been summer 1987, for my 15th birthday.
It was then, that I heard Let it Rock.

And although it would still take almost a year at that point, before I would get my first boyfriend, Bon Jovi, their music, and the idol Jon Bon Jovi, had already started keeping me company.
Their three singles, You Give Love a Bad Name, Livin’ On  A Prayer and the 1987 single Wanted Dead or Alive, had opened the door, they had me engaged for sure.
But it wasn’t until I had that album, the actual immersion in their music, that gave me the full, exciting, and satisfying thrill of being a Bon Jovi fan.

And although my first boyfriend and me were a difficult match, and our circumstances challenging, I was sexually curious and not afraid of this totally new physical experience of being with a tall and by all standards impressive, 17, 18 year old young man.

And when early 1988 I got my second boyfriend, I actually got a sex life that was so absolutely wonderful, I would still sign up both for a man like that, as well as for a sex life like that, although in all probability, the two went hand in hand 😉

And it wasn’t until years, decades later even, that I understood how all that had happened.
How, in a world where so many girls and in particular sexually adventurous girls have all these bad experiences, a sex life I would still die for, was bestowed upon me.

It was because in the solitude of my bedroom in the attic, I had exposed myself day after day, night after night, to the cassette of Slippery When Wet.
It had taught me pure, uncensored, and unapologetic, sex.

It had been an initiation.

Rock Star Writer

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Other stories about my fan years as a teen
in the book A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi

The accompanying Life lessons in Bon Jovi songs video on the topic of 
Let it Rock 
will be recorded and will be published on my YouTube around the 15th of April 2024.

The next article in this series will appear around 20 April 2024 about:
You Give Love A Bad Name
Subscribe to this blog to receive it in your Inbox


That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

SOURCES for this series:


“All 334 Bon Jovi Songs, Ranked Worst to Best”
by Anthony Kuzminski

my businesses since 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

Diehard recording for sure | Bon Jovi 1987 07 11 East Troy | Unlocked after 37 years

My mistake!
This post is a draft, I accidentally hit “Publish”.

My apologies.

I wrote it in March, but never intended to finish it, because I am now focusing on writing and filming for YouTube .
But I do think I now owe you finishing it, one of these days!

Suzanne Beenackers
11 April 2024
ps: I did just finish writing an amazing blogpost about Let It Rock!
-> A Sexual Awakening
| Let it Rock by Bon Jovi (Slippery album, 1986)
| blog post { pre-work for YouTube video }

But I owe you!

New on YouTube

Bon Jovi
11 July 1987
Alpine Valley Amphitheatre, East Troy🇺🇸
🏟️ Slippery When Wet Tour


The concert was unlocked, remastered, uploaded and made available to the public on 26 February 2024, on the Bon Jovi channel that focuses entirely on Bon Jovi’s roaring 80s;
YouTube channel FighterBJ.

Diehard recording for sure

👩🏼‍💻 the story 


As mentioned a few weeks ago, when I wrote a blogpost about Seattle second night, 27 January 1987, which was also unlocked after 37 years by channel FighterBJ;
We are treated to a ride to what I consider to be Bon Jovi’s roughest era.

Making the Diehard warning one with a double meaning, because these recordings are not just of a poorer quality, but the show itself was not designed to be listened back to with 21st century.
In fact, consider that these are ALL bootlegs, they were not designed to be listened back to at all!

They were meant to whip the actual crowd into anything from love, to adoration, to surprise, disgust, or even hurt. But above anything else, meant to make them feel alive!
And feeling alive, it covered.

{ this is where the story goes missing, because it was never written }


This new concert

Bon Jovi
11 July 1987
Alpine Valley Amphitheatre, East Troy🇺🇸
🏟️ Slippery When Wet Tour

has been added to:
New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)

at 11 July 1987.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
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You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


Welcome to a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by another blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to Daily Bon Jovi Yoga.

WHY this Rock Star Writer blog is about live concerts from Bon Jovi:

In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series,
resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi, 11 July 1987, East Troy
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

This filmer spent their 1 hour 11 minutes of film wisely!| Bon Jovi 1988 11 25 | New remaster

New remaster:

Bon Jovi
25 Nov 1988
Gothenburg 🇸🇪 Sweden
🏟️New Jersey Syndicate Tour


This filmer spent their 1 hour 11 minutes of film wisely!

👩🏼‍💻 the story 

My original Soundtrack of the Day Tweet from 25 November 2022 reviewed this video outtake (so it’s not the whole concert), pretty accurately, saying:

“Cutting in at Born to be my Baby, and documenting the most difficult stage of the entire NJ Tour;
This filmer spent his 1:11 of film wisely!
You can even see Jon casually sliding his foot in a rope, flying over the crowd, and playing I’ll Be There For You from the back of the venue.

It wasn’t until now, quoting this old tweet in 2024, that I realized “he” is not a verified pronoun, since I have no idea who filmed it.
So for the 2024 title of this blogpost, I made it gender neutral, switching “he” for “they”.

But otherwise, within the limited number of characters Twitter/X gave you (the review was spread over 2 tweets);
I think the 2022 review was spot on.

It was based on a then available recording, but there has been an updated version, uploaded by hAnD90 on 24 February 2024, and it contains a few more minutes of restored footage.

So instead of starting the video at Born To Be My Baby (song 5), it now also has (video + audio) snippets of the openers Lay Your Hands on Me and I’d Die For You.
Footage which also explains what happened at the time;
The filmer switched places to a seat with a better view, and had a second Go at recording it.
This time successfully, and resulting in a video recording that has been around on YouTube, for years.

Gotenburg, Sweden is the 15th concert of the what would become the gruesomely long New Jersey Tour, which is the topic of the documentary Access All Areas.

The pace at which they rocked the world, was unbelievable.

Between the tour’s opening night, 31 October 1988 in Dublin and the final concert of this first leg of this tour on 19 December 1988, Bon Jovi played no less than 30 concerts all over the mainland, England, Scotland, Ireland, and they visited Germany twice, each time for multiple concerts.

What makes the 1988 concerts special, is described in the description box of Rotterdam 1988, a few days before Gothenburg.
hAnD90 writes about the sibling concert, Rotterdam 21 November 1988:

“Great early concert where not all gimmicks etc. were timed to perfection yet, but where a lot of raw energy was to be unleashed!”

Their previous tour, The Slippery When Wet Tour, had ended in October of 1987.
1988 Had been spent producing a worthy successor for their “Slippery When Wet” album (1986) which had brought them world fame.

Fame which no one in their right mind, thought could or would be held by the band;
Let alone prolonged and surpassed!

Slippery When Wet would always remain their most successful album in the United States, in terms of sales;
Yet it was its successor album New Jersey (Sept 1988), that was not just almost as successful as Slippery When Wet, but it also elevated them from world fame to being superstars.

A level that could never be undone.

In the early 90s, rock was pushed aside by grunge. Including almost all rock bands which had been popular in the 80s, of which there had been countless!
Although Bon Jovi did reinvent themselves in the 90s, the foundation was their musical talent and skill, of which the New Jersey album had already been proof of.
Combined with their unsurpassed quality as a live band, after the New Jersey album it could have been predicted, that Bon Jovi would survive all storms and changes of the industry.

But in 1988?
No one, knew that.
Not even Bon Jovi.

They had given their new album, New Jersey, their all, but they had not been on the road for over a year.
When the New Jersey Syndicate Tour started on October 31, in Dublin, they once again felt like a band who had to prove themselves.

If they failed to make “this” work, if they had lost their touch?
It would all have been for nothing. Bon Jovi would go under together with the other hard rock bands, and their Slippery album would be little more, than a sign of its times….

It was with that hunger, that urgency, of a band vibrantly aware that the job was not yet done, that the tour had started, on the 31st of October.
Their status, was hanging by a thread.
And an army of wolves would not hesitate to throw them over, the moment the magic of the Slippery album had worn off.

They had to make this work.

And so it began.

And on the first leg of this New Jersey Syndicate Tour 1988, which took place in the final months of that year, there was something unpolished, primal and visceral about Bon Jovi.
There was the boldness, the loudness, and the unapologetic level of belief they had pumped themselves into, that had been present in the earliest of days.

But this time, it was combined with years of experience under their belt. Both musically, as well as in terms of performance.
Yet at heart they were still that mid-80s rock show, where they swore and sweat, and every song was daring, rebellious, and dangerous.

Raw and unfinished, the show tethered on an unnamed edge, only to then plunge into an equally unnamed yet loud and vocal depth!
Into the darkness of pure rock’ n roll, dragging the willing crowd with them.
Immersing all who came to see, into new levels of frenzy.

It was as if the filmer knew, that this was not the time to half-ass. That it was bad enough they didn’t have enough tape to record the whole show, but that they were not going to let a bad view ruin this recording.
They were going to switch seats and start again!

Giving us from Born to be my Baby onward, 1 hour and 11 minutes, of the best Bon Jovi the world has ever seen.

An unfiltered, non-dramatized, 100% real record, of the final two months Bon Jovi still feared that one day, it could all be gone.

And when Jon Bon Jovi calls for “his chariot” – the hanging cables that will fly him to the back of the room – and mounts them with the words:
“It is time to fly.”

He meant it.

This new remaster

Bon Jovi
25 Nov 1988
Gothenburg  Sweden 🇸🇪
🏟️New Jersey Syndicate Tour

has been added to:
New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)

at 25 November 1988.

~Rock Star Suzy
🇳🇱 Tikkie
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🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


Welcome to the fifth in a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by another blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to Daily Bon Jovi Yoga.

WHY this Rock Star Writer blog is about live concerts from Bon Jovi:

In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series,
resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi, Gothenburg, Sweden🇸🇪

came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

No words do 1989 Bon Jovi justice | Bon Jovi 1989 08 25 | New remaster

New remaster:

Bon Jovi
25 August 1989
Winnipeg, Canada🇨🇦
🏟️New Jersey Syndicate Tour


Or, as my original Soundtrack of the Day Tweet from 25 August 2022 said it concisely:

Born to be my baby with harmonica
Let it Rock with Pink Flamingos
“We don’t say goodbye, we just say goodnight.”
= Bon Jovi 1989″

Which was based on a then available recording, but the latest remastered audio, uploaded by hAnD90 on 16 February 2024, really made this concert shine.
Which is why I will do a beforehand failed attempt of eloquently describing its beauty.

No words do 1989 Bon Jovi justice

👩🏼‍💻 the story 

Before this review gets to the point where I brutally cap it, miles before it is even close to done, since “done” is a place that would require a song-by-song review and another 2.5 hours (An investment which has become even more impossible now that the hAnD90 channel treats us to at least one Bon Jovi pre-1997 upload a week! *heart eyes*);
Let’s start with the proper, tweet-sized review, from the description box, where hAnD90 always outlines what we are going to listen to:

“The first few songs, they were in their comfort zone and it felt like they were “warming up”
– until everything got unleashed from Living In Sin onwards.
Incredible energy, passion, raspy vocals (Wanted Dead Or Alive!) and so much more.
Absolutely stunning show!”

Source: description box by hAnD90

So now that the proper review is done, let’s start unpacking what I got for you today 😉
Because I did listen to this audio for days in a row!
There ARE notes here!

Though, something doesn’t really get written down, unless it is so powerful it manages to capture my attention when I am in deep levels of concentration writing something entirely not-Bon Jovi related.
If it manages to crack that defense?
I hastily look for a pen and scribble it down in a form of “homemade shorthand”.

Resulting in the following notes, for Winnipeg 1989;

“Speech < badname”

< means before, in my shorthand.
So the note means that like all other 80s performances of You Give Love A Bad Name, there is a story introducing this song. 

In Winnipeg 1989, Jon doesn’t even attempt, to tell a story in a way that it ends with: “Baby? You give love a bad name!”
Which means the story is short, and serves more as a breather than entertainment. It has a less comedian, more Rock Star attitude in Winnipeg!

“End of BTBMB”

BTBMB stands for Born To Be My Baby.
The note means that the end of Born To Be My Baby is noteworthy-

and it really is.
You could even say that the “take-off” hAnD90 describes, in Livin’ In Sin, can already be heard in Born To Be My Baby.
The lyrics/singing/final minutes of this song, already indicate this show is going to be great.
Speaking of which, in 2024, just like in 2022, I noted down:

“harmonica end of BTBMB!!”

Again, BTBMB stands for Born To Be My Baby.
And since the note is exactly what I tweeted about this song in 2022, it means my heart still, consistently and fully, melts every time I hear Jon play harmonica🥲

“BOB Richie”

BOB stands for Blood on Blood.
The note means that Blood on Blood is a good one here, in particular the parts where Richie Sambora is on vocals.

“Love for sale ❤️❤️❤️”

This means the acoustic New Jersey album (1988) song Love for Sale, made it to the stage, and that quite similar to Jon’s harmonica play, I get all excited because the song is about, well, “Love” for sale!
And I never outgrew being 16, when it comes to Jon Bon Jovi singing about sex or when it comes to drawing hearts.

“intro Wanted – fav guitar song”

Wanted stands for Wanted Dead or Alive
This means that the song Richie Sambora plays in the instrumental prelude to Wanted Dead or Alive, is what I call “my favorite song”.

I’m very musically illiterate, but other more knowledgeable fans would be able to name it in a heartbeat! 

“Wanted PASSIONATE!!!!!!”

This is the only note where you can see hAnD90 and me were talking about the same concert, since he too mentions the excellence of this song.

Then we’re getting to two notes, about songs which are almost certainly before Wanted Dead or Alive, but like I said, I listened to this concert for days, so these are notes I didn’t write down the first couple of times I listened.

The first of my closing notes is hard to reproduce, because I placed two strong vertical lines in the margin, to emphasize its importance, but cannot make this with my keyboard.

||Screaming intro
||              “Let’s go for a ride”
||                       Let it Rock

The vertical lines mean I understand the Winnipeg crowd screaming when they hear Let It Rock!!!
I would scream too!
In particular if Jon tosses in a few extra spoken words “Let’s go for a ride”
*screams back YEAH LET’S!!!!*

And then the final note, a song that is definitely not in the second half of the show, but it is fitting to end with:

“I’d Die For You ❤️❤️❤️”

Again, the hearts indicating that words are not needed. Who doesn’t long for those concerts that had I’d Die For You in them?
In particular in the 80s when Jon always played electric guitar, so it was a TWO electric guitars song!

My notes finish with the first two sentences of Jon’s speech introducing You Give Love a Bad Name.
Going back to early in the show, the first time he addresses the audience that night:

“Last leg of this never ending tour. We had to skip over Winnipeg but I swore we’d be back and now we’re glad we’re here.”

We too Jon.
It’s 35 years after the date, and we’re still glad you were there.

This new remaster

Bon Jovi
25 August 1989
Winnipeg Arena, Canada🇨🇦
🏟️New Jersey Syndicate Tour

has been added to:
New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)

at 25 August 1989.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
☕️ Buy me a coffee
🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


Welcome to the fifth in a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by another blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to Daily Bon Jovi Yoga.

WHY this Rock Star Writer blog is about live concerts from Bon Jovi:

In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series,
resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi, Winnipeg Arena, Canada🇨🇦
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

The Era Things Got Wild | Bon Jovi 1987 01 27 Seattle night 2 | Unlocked after 37 years

New on YouTube

Bon Jovi
27 January 1987
Center Coliseum, Seattle🇺🇸
2nd night

🏟️ Slippery When Wet Tour


The concert was unlocked, remastered, uploaded and made available to the public on 9 February 2024, on the Bon Jovi channel that focuses entirely on Bon Jovi’s roaring 80s;
YouTube channel FighterBJ.

The Era Things Got Wild

👩🏼‍💻 the story 


Unlocked after 37 years by channel FighterBJ, we are treated to a ride to what I consider to be Bon Jovi’s roughest era.

It were the concerts that were opened by the close to heresy combo of “Pink Flamingos”, the instrumental piece which belongs to the song Let It Rock;
Followed by Raise Your Hands.

As a consequence, Let It Rock was pushed back into the show, and contained a “my side – your side” game of screaming fans on Richie Sambora’s side versus Jon Bon Jovi’s side;
That went on too long by any standard.

Speaking of “standards” and “going on too long”, there was the “Hallmark Speech” in one of its many iterations, introducing Bad Name.
It started commemorating their time in Vancouver recording their latest album Slippery When Wet, but quickly had Jon pushing the boundaries between the passable and the misogynistic, and ending up on the wrong side of them.

Which considering the 80s liberal climate, was almost an accomplishment.

In his defense (and there could be many made, of course!), his voice dangled on the cusp of being shot and totally unusable, more often than not, during the non-stop touring that was Bon Jovi’s second half of the 80s.
Long speeches were one way to give it some rest.

And “yet”, or maybe even “as a result”, there is no way to not fall head over heels in love with the concerts from the Slippery When Wet Tour.

For starters it was the time when Jon always went the extra mile flying over the crowd, hanging from a cable, to the back of the room to visit the fans there, and sing the second album song Silent Night.
Which would later be replaced with the newer ballad, Never Say Goodbye.

“My chariot please!” he would call in the cable he would hook himself onto, that would take him soaring over the crowd.
After having asked the people in the back “What do want me to do, come back there and see you guys?” only to be met by excessive screaming.

Speaking of which;
I could be wrong, but in my imagination, the screaming on US soil has never been harder, louder, more enthusiastic, than during the Slippery When Wet era.
The crowd was clearly whipped into an Elvis-level frenzy.

In Europe I would pinpoint the height of their Insane Screaming Phase one record later:
During the New Jersey Tour.
But if you listen to Seattle second night 1987, it is impossible to imagine the crowd being any louder than they are.
They are clearly giving it all, just like the band.

Although it was their third album, and although they had been touring from the start, the Slippery When Wet Tour was actually their first headliner tour in the US.
Their second album had given them headliner gigs in Japan en Europe, but in their home country, they had not been able to stand out in the legion of other hair metal and rock bands.
Mid-80s, the American rock market was a very large and densely populated pond, and the first two albums had not been enough to make their mark.

But when Bon Jovi made their biggie, the album Slippery When Wet, released late summer 1986?
You Give Love a Bad Name and Livin’ On A Prayer stormed the charts and when they played Seattle January 1987, the audience was so hungry for them, hanging on them every word and possessed by their undying adoration, which reached levels they’d be hard-pressed to match for the rest of their lives;

That rough-edged, giving it their all, diving in head-first and coming out the other side sweaty, stinky and covered in God knows what Bon Jovi?
Was exactly what they came for.

This new concert

Bon Jovi
27 January 1987
Center Coliseum, Seattle🇺🇸
2nd night
🏟️ Slippery When Wet Tour

has been added to:
New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

at 27 January 1987.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
☕️ Buy me a coffee
🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


Welcome to the fourth in a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by another blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to Daily Bon Jovi Yoga.

WHY this Rock Star Writer blog is about live concerts from Bon Jovi:

In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series,
resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi, 27 January 1987, Seattle
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

a Christmas concert avant-la-lettre | Bon Jovi 1989 12 23 Frankfurt, Germany | Unlocked at 2023 12 20

New on YouTube

Bon Jovi
23 December 1989
Frankfurt, Germany 🇩🇪
🏟️ New Jersey Syndicate Tour

was unlocked, remastered and made available to the public by hAnD90 at 20 December 2023

Welcome to the third in a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by another blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to Daily Bon Jovi Yoga.

The story below, was originally posted there.
But rest assured; All those old Bon Jovi posts will be saved and reposted here, so that contrary to Frankfurt 1089, they do not run the risk getting lost for 34 years!

a Christmas concert avant-la-lettre

👩🏼‍💻 the story 

A Christmas concert, before Bon Jovi even knew they had Christmas concerts!

Frankfurt 1989, is when the band hit what must have been their Christmas-infused homesick rock bottom, playing night after night in another city in Germany.
You can hear the melancholy drip off Blood on Blood’s introduction, and throughout the show every time Jon Bon Jovi drops the word Christmas – which is often and a concept that clearly means more to him than to the 1989 German crowd, where Christmas still revolved around baby Jesus not Santaclaus (who some say was given life by Coca-Cola!)- 
the pain of missing home is almost palpable.

A year after this concert, they were indeed home.
Exactly as they had longed for, playing Germany around Christmas time, having been 16 months on the road and counting.
But they would not just rest on their laurels.

For seven years, from 1990 to 1996, they would play New Jersey’s Count Basie theatre, in the week before Christmas;
The Christmas Shows
(link to the bjtours website where you can find them all)

But nothing explained the profound meaning it had to them, to spend Christmas at home;
Than Frankfurt 23 December, 1989. 

This new concert

Bon Jovi
23 December 1989
Frankfurt, Germany 🇩🇪
🏟️ New Jersey Syndicate Tour

has been added to:
New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

at December 23.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
☕️ Buy me a coffee
🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series;
Resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi, 23 December 1989, Frankfurt Germany
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

“Crowd puts Jon Bon Jovi out of a job” | Bon Jovi 28 May 1995 Nijmegen, The Netherlands | unlocked after 28 years, 7 months and 2 weeks

New on YouTube

Bon Jovi
28 May 1995
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
🏟️ These Days Tour


Welcome to the second in a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog, but that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to daily Bon Jovi yoga.
You can sign up for those at the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog– , the previous host to this series.

So now that we’ve moved the 20th century Bon Jovi concerts, to this Rock Star Writer blog, what’s up next?

Well, that’s a no brainer because there has been an event as significant to Dutch Bon Jovi fans, as the upcoming cosmic event of Pluto moving into Aquarius (which is tomorrow, the 20th of January. It will stay there for 20 years only coming back to Capricorn one more time, when it retrogades Sept-Nov 2024. ) is to astronomers and astrologers.

Nijmegen 1995 got uploaded!

On the 11th of January 2024, at 10.15 PM Central European Time, the recording of Bon Jovi, Goffertpark, Nijmegen of 28th of May 1995, entered the orbit of YouTube, where it will stay for the duration of the medium.
Nijmegen1995, has proven to be one of the slowest moving elements and many thought it had died out long ago.
Few knew we would see any of it in the 21st century.

But now that it has, it has caught the eye of researchers, in particular because there had been many stories going around about the nature of it.
It was known as “the weird one”, where something in the setlist or sequencing had been irregular or unusual, up to the point the crowd was said to have left in confusion and that the setlist had not worked.

With the recording spinning into our hemisphere, researchers were keen to have a look at it!

The first ones immediately noticed that, as it had been rumored, “Wanted Dead or Alive” was missing from the setlist.
A song also referred to as “The Anthem” in the Jovi Universe.

A commonly shared conclusion is that this was done because of the bad weather conditions;
Skipping this song, which comes in an extended version and is introduced by an extra instrumental song by guitarist Richie Sambora, meant two to three others songs could be played before the rain and lightning would force the band to stop the show.

It is believed this is what caused the setlist to start shifting, and perhaps more importantly, caused the lack of a proper ending.
Leaving the crowd, and at least one researcher who has been listening to this show for a week and still had to rush to have her report ready for the weekend, confused.

Time stamped:
Here you can listen to Jon Bon Jovi saying goodbye to the crowd, after the final song.
Something he never does: the actual factual ending, after the encores, should speak for itself.
The crowd shouting for more, reveals it hasn’t.

Yet reports from those who had actually been there, said it had been a great show! A true party! 
It was this discrepancy that now had a chance of being solved, by listening to the material.

It is a good thing this research was in no way corporate nor government funded, because nothing new came to the surface;
Nijmegen 1995 had been BOTH one big party, as well as confusing because of the ending, and one of the shorter (if not the shortest?! More research required!) shows.
Although the length cannot be seen separate from the fact that three other bands were on the same bill;
Even without rain, it was not the night to take forever.

1995 in Nijmegen stands out, even for its time, by a crowd knowing every word, singing loudly and quite well too!
Enthusiastic, committed, and clearly not afraid of any rain.

It all becomes even more remarkable if you realize this was the fourth band they saw that day.

Top crowd interacting moments:

14:58 “Goodevening Nijmay-gen!!!” And something about crying angels, referring to the rain. Similar words to 2019 in Nijmegen, when it rained as well.

28:45 “You guys are gonna put me out of a job!” Jon Bon Jovi interrupting the crowd who have kicked off Always singing it for him and to him.

1:06:30 Sleep When I’m Dead intermezzo sing along

1:18:00 Jon teasing to stop Bad Medicine and flirting with a big blowup doll on stage

1:24:08 Returning for an encore, when the crowd has almost torn the park to pieces with their “Olé olé” singing, in their thirst for an encore.
Flirting with the crowd in this case, about how the rain makes it as if they’re all together taking a shower, and introducing Steven van Zandt, the guitarist from Bruce Springsteen’s The E-Streetband, and someone who is very popular in The Netherlands.

And then my notes go blank, and I thought I just needed to listen to it a few more times in order to be able to put my finger on it.
Until I remembered, this was of course exactly what all the fuss had been about all those years;
The ending is confusing and not coherent.

With the recording now having entered our galaxy, I suggest we forget that bit, and give this show a new pitch:
It’s the one where the crowd put Jon Bon Jovi out of a job.

And to add:

Bon Jovi
28 May 1995
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
🏟️ These Days Tour

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

at May 28.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
☕️ Buy me a coffee
🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series;
Resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
Bon Jovi 28 May 1995 Nijmegen, The Netherlands
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.

1 song Bon Jovi Honolulu 1989 01 14 (today!) + an interview clipping | new for me + bringing a Bon Jovi series home

New for me

Bon Jovi
“I’ll be there for you”
14 January 1989
Honolulu, Hawaii
🏟️ New Jersey Syndicate Tour

🎛️🎶🎧-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVRu-Fb4v8Q

Welcome to a new series for this blog!

This Rock Star Writer blog will from now on be host to posts about live concerts from 1983 to 1996;
A position previously held by the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog, but today that blog has found its purpose in its latest iteration;
As home to daily Bon Jovi yoga.

Meaning it’s daily, it’s a blog, it’s about yoga done to Bon Jovi and everything that comes to our path, which history proves is a broad one 😉
You can sign up for those at the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog– , the previous host to this series.

So now that we’ve moved the 20th century Bon Jovi concerts, to this Rock Star Writer blog, how do we open here?

Well, as it happens I encountered just the right, bite-size Bon Jovi nugget on Twitter, to mark this occasion on the 14th of January, which is a 14th of January upload that is new for me.

Meaning: it has been on YouTube for years, but I managed to miss it when creating the two main Bon Jovi concert playlists you can find at the bottom of this post.
The two lists, which cover the entire year, do not have this one on them.

So I didn’t have this upload on there yet.
It is one song (I’ll be there for you), from a Hawaii 1989;
A concert that has no other uploads.
It was brought to my attention by Jane on Twitter, who shares all on-this-day events from Bon Jovi, on her fan account.

(post continues below tweet)

She also added an article that was published about this concert. And all of Jon’s quotes are still quite readable so I thought maybe you liked it if I reprinted them here?
Courtesy of @Jane_ on Twitter, thank you for satisfying our Bon Jovi hunger, and for keeping me sharp!

clipping printed
in advance of 1989 01 14 concert

Interview with Jon Bon Jovi by Wayne Harada.
Name of newspaper unknown, but the title the reporter has is pretty cool!

“Adventure Entertainment Editor”

The interview takes place by phone, on the day of the final concert in Japan, so January 10, 1989.

Jon Bon Jovi:

“There is an exchange of adrenalin with the audience that keeps you going. It’s the highest high. I don’t know if it’s better than sex, but just as good.”

“As a kid I always thought the guy singing on stage would look at me, even though he really didn’t see me. As a performer I felt I should always work at getting that energy going and that was one of the reasons I went flying in my last shows (on a cable, flying to a small stage in the back of the venue, playing one or more songs there-Rock Star Writer)
I realized I couldn’t see the whole place from the stage, so I flew. By getting to the back of the house I could see the people in the back. Making that eye contact. And they could see me.

It was exciting and every other rock act has done it since so I’ve hung up my flying wings.”

The rest of the interview is on page B4, under the header “Superstar”, but I do not have that page.

Which is why my work was done, and all that remained was adding:

Bon Jovi
“I’ll be there for you”
14 January 1989
Honolulu, Hawaii
🏟️ New Jersey Syndicate Tour

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997

And to the playlist:
“Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

at January 14.

🇳🇱 Tikkie
☕️ Buy me a coffee
🌎 Paypal

You can follow all content on:
Twitter, Facebook, and I am new on Instagram.


In 2022 -2023 I started the “concerts on this day” series;
Resulting in many blogposts on the Daily Bon Jovi Yoga blog and two full fledged playlists on YouTube, covering the whole year.

Part I: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 10 June – 5 December (before 1997)


Part II: Bon Jovi concerts on this day 6 Dec-9 June (before 1997)

My current fan work is to keep those two playlists up to date, and I will be writing about new uploads.
Which is how
“I’ll be there for you”, Bon Jovi, 14 January 1989, Honolulu Hawaii
came about.

That was it! 

Thank you for reading my Rock Star Writer blog!
Subscribe to the blog, to get them in your mailbox.
You can find the subscription button on this page, probably on the top right.

my business since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company

de Club
yoga voor generatie X

New in Bon Jovi concerts before 1997


This Rock Star Writer blog is an element of “Rock Star” [phase 3]

Title: “Rock Star”
or “Rock Star yoga/ business/ writer”

artists: Suzanne Beenackers, little bear Puux           
art form: writing + YouTube videos
leg 1: earliest expressions, mixed work, July 2019 – March 2022
leg 2: The Void April 2022 – January 2023
leg 3: Storytelling 17 January 2023 – 

4 blogs
1. Rock Star Writer
2. About Bon Jovi concerts: Daily Bon Jovi Yoga 
3. World Between Worlds
4. Dutch blog: Suzanne Beenackers

3 YouTube channels, all rebooted late May 2023
1. English YouTube Stories of Bon Jovi and the White Tigress
2. Nederlandse YouTube de Club, Yoga voor Generatie X (Dutch)
3. YouTube Rock Your Business

2 Facebook pages
1. Rock Star Writer on Facebook
2. Dutch: Suzanne Beenackers Schrijver Facebook met beertje Puux

1 Twitter account
my personal Twitter account

1 Instagram
as probably the last person joining there! 

🌍🌎 📚🛒
An online bookshop

& One company since February 2023:

become the Rock Star you were born to be

+ My new Dutch company, expected late May 2023

de Club
yoga voor generatie X


You can find my books The Little Mistress Who Turned Into A Baby Koala
A Boyfriend Like Jon Bongiovi
and White Tigress Yoga Workbook
at the bottom of this page:

If you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, you can also order these books from me – just go to the bottom of this page:
to check out which ones you want, and write me an email at s_beenackers@hotmail.com.
Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer.